What If You Fall Off The Diet & Exercise Wagon?

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Today, I’ll walk you through a 3-step process I use to get rid of the guilt, shame and feelings of failure when I fall off the wagon and how I get back on track! Hope you enjoy it! Full disclosure: No, I haven't fallen off the wagon entirely. BUT I feel like the wheels are VERY wobbly. If I don't do something about it ASAP, not only will I fall off the wagon, but the wheels will break, that wagon and I will head straight over the cliff...thinking of those old western movies where the team of horses runs away with the stagecoach, headed straight for the cliff!

First of all, your weight loss and fitness goals are personal. No matter what exercise program or diet plan you choose, there's no magic pill that will make your journey 100% smooth sailing or challenge-free. I have been doing this long enough to know it never works like that. It's easy to blame the diet or exercise plan for falling off the wagon. But don't let that be your starting point. Don't jump to the next new fad diet or exercise gadget to solve your problem.

Here are the three steps I take when I fall off the wagon, and I think they will work for you too.

Step 1 | Give yourself permission to feel bad

It's okay to feel like a hot mess sometimes. It's okay to feel overwhelmed. It's okay to feel like you're failing. When we were younger, we learned that mistakes were wrong, and we needed to correct them as soon as possible. We learned to do whatever it takes to get away from the yucky feeling inside. And sometimes we think WE are bad. But that's not true!

Instead, learn to "be with" your mistake. Let it tell you what it has to say. Something is going on, and you need to figure it out. It's okay to get in touch with it instead of running. Ask your heart, "What is all this pain, fear, doubt, and failure trying to tell me?"

Take a few minutes to work through the discomfort. Be in its presence. Listen to what it has to say.

Step 2 | Get super honest with yourself about where you ARE vs. where you want to BE

Go ahead and take a big honesty chill pill about where you are and where you want to be. Stop trying to resist the fact that shit's about to hit the fan. Take a big breath. Let it be okay. Then go, "Okay. I surrender. This is exactly where I am right now."

Now, I want you to grab your journal and do this little exercise. Draw a line down the center of your paper. On the left side, list all the things that are causing you this pain. Tell yourself you are ready to face it, climb up, and feel better. On the right side of your paper, write out what it would look like if you could wave a magic wand, and make everything exactly the way you want it.

Here are some questions to ask to get the mind flowing:

  • If I had perfect health…

  • If I had the perfect body…

  • When I get dressed, this is how my clothes look and feel on me…

  • When I look at photos of me on my horse, I feel…

  • When I play with my kids, I feel…

  • When I see my reflection in the store windows, I feel...

  • When I get up in the morning, my energy level is…

  • When I go to bed at night, I feel…

Now, what starts to happen is you begin to breed a little spark of hope. But it all starts from your pain point. Your doubts and fears and frustrations of falling off the wagon are a catalyst. The negative energy you feel is real. You can't just sweep it under the rug. Empower yourself by acknowledging the pain, transforming it to a glimmer of hope by focusing on its opposite. Does that make sense?

Step 3 | Freaking Recommit With A Vengeance

I am telling you it's okay to fall off the wagon. Practice getting in touch with your pain, with what made you slip up. Create some hope by imagining what it's like to live in the perfect, healthy body.

And now is the time where we kick ourselves in the butt, pick up and go again. Restart. Recommit. But this time with a vengeance.

There is a little extra spark that exists in ALL of us. I can't accurately depict it here, in words I type. I can point to it. You can see it in the ones who grab ahold of that little spark and put it to use in their favor. You have it, too. Yes you do! Look inside. You'll find it there.

Don't blame the diet and exercise plan for failing you. The plans you chose are essential components for sure. But that's not where you are looking for the passion for keeping you ON the wagon. You're looking inside, where the Warrior lives. You are going to double and triple down on that magic spark. You will come back stronger, harder, fiercer than ever. You're going to make it your number one priority to stay on that wagon. Nothing can stop you. I guarantee, nothing can stop you!

Bonus Step: Please don't do this alone!

Join our community of horsewomen called the Cowgirl Up Fitness Community. We've got just shy of 3,000 ladies in there at the date of this post. It's a Facebook group. Every month, inside that Facebook group, I host a free 21-day challenge called, "Healthy Habits For Healthy Horsewomen." The challenge typically starts on the first Monday of each month. It's a fun, free challenge where we thrive on support, motivation, and helping you achieve your goals. Join by clicking here.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. Please drop me a comment at any time to let me know what you're going through. I hope you found this post helpful. Have a great day. We'll see you soon! xo

Do you need help? Join our Cowgirl Up Fitness Community on Facebook. It’s a fun place to connect with other horsewomen on their fitness journey.

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