“Everything you need to be great is already inside you. Stop waiting for someone or something to light your fire. You have the match.”
Let's get started! What is your "why" for becoming a coach? It has to be deep. If it makes you cry, even better. What type of coach are you? We'll dig into this to help set your first goals.
Watch this short video to learn about Cheryl's personal journey and some tips to getting started as a coach.
Understanding your priorities -- Please watch this short 5 minute video from Bob Lucido. Bob is our "great-grand coach" lol :) he's about 3 levels up. He replaced his full time attorney salary in 24 months as a Beachbody Coach and he teaches his system of success to many. We joke about him being "old school" and that's exactly what we love about him.
In this video, Bob will help you uncover what obstacles might get in your way to working your business and how he cut out the time wasters.
Finding enough time to pursue your dream -- "But I don't have time..." We all know this feeling! If you are telling yourself you don't have time, let's see if we can change that!
In reality we ALL have the same amount of time. The leaders and top coaches have the same 24 hours in a day as the brand new coaches. If you can let this fact sink in, you can feel a calming, sense of control flood your helps realize we were all on a level playing field. All you need to do is take responsibility for your own 24 hours.
Let's understand the importance of making our Beachbody Business a priority. We might have a full time job we use to pay the bills. For now... Our Beachbody Business needs to be a priority in our life even though we might only work it 6-10 hours a week in the beginning. Those hours are VERY PRECIOUS. We know how awesome this can be if we treat it like a business. We caution on treating it like a hobby. Businesses earn us a profit, hobbies usually cost us money. See the difference?
- Grab a pen and a notebook and journal about why you are a coach. How will your success as a coach help your family, your freedom of time and your finances? What type of coach are you?
- Write down your biggest obstacle to finding time to work your business and how you'll overcome it.
- Take out your calendar and schedule in when you'll work your Beachbody business this week. Decide on a day of the week (Sunday's, maybe) when you'll plan your week and schedule in your hours.
- Go to the Coach Basics Facebook Group and introduce yourself to your teammates. Tell us where you are from and what fitness program you are doing.